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Total membership service

Internet Shopping Mall

Total membership service

Many retail companies based on membership choice various ways to attract more members.
Many of them promote advantages only offerd to their members or provide large quantity products in low price.
Or they also develop PB (Private Brand) and add their own uniqueness and promote superiority to attract new members.

We can arrange the success model of retail business into four.

  • 01 Consistency of vision, strategy,
    and business model
  • 02 Brand loyalty of members.
  • 03 Competitive price in
    all distribution channel.
  • 04 High productivity based
    on employee satisfaction.

In conclusion, membership retail service enables companies to sell high quality products or services at reasonable price,
make more members buy and supply it to others at low price than anyone else, which is a virtuous circle.
So membership retail services should keep expanding their product pool,
and improving not only products but also services to give more advantages to members.


AZA expands the range of membership distributuon and develops various products and services for satisfaction of our members.
Coexistence model can be made by AZA developing competitive products and
membership distributor increasing their focus on flagship model.

Shopping mall
Shopping Mall

AZA expand the area of membership retail and keeps developing and improving products for our members’ satisfaction.
By we AZA develops competitive products while membership distributor concreting on key products, we can make a mutual growth model.

Franchise Mall Management Business

Getting ready for the service

Franchise Mall Management Business

‘Franchise Mall’ is a service that Atomy AZA get products from suppliers
and provide independent franchise online shopping mall to members for free of charge.

Atomy AZA Mall provides products, including all services below for a free of charge.

  • Integrated Product Supplier Management
    Order Management
  • Integrated Payment
  • The interlock Service
  • Logistics Service
아래의 내용을 참고바랍니다.
  • 본사쇼핑몰 무제한 쇼핑몰 분양 및 통합운영관리, DB연동 카페, 블로그, 웹사이트를 통한 광고 임무수형
  • 공급업체 - 상품공급 및 등록, 배송지시
  • 가맹점 - 상점분양, 배송요청
  • 고객이 가맹점 사이트에서 상품을 구입 및 결제 : 공급업체 → 고객에게 상품배송

Members of Atomy INC. can promote his or her own independent online franchise mall
to attract consumer members or use it as a communication tool between mall owner and consumers.
Every point granted by each individual consumer is saved to Franchise Mall owner.

Main function
of Franchise Mall

프랜차이즈몰 주요기능 - 항목, 내용으로 나뉘어 설명
항목 내용 항목 내용
사용조건 애터미(주)회원 누구나 필수교육이수필요 포인트 몰주인에게 누적
2차도메인 기본도메인하위설정 신규 상품등록 대행사 등록상품외 등록 불가
관리비 없음 자체홍보기능 사진, 블로그형태 글쓰기가능
회원레벨 없음 기본템플릿 디자인 템플릿 제공
자체회원가업 가능 상품등록갯수제한 없음
PG 결제 운영사 대행 외부사이트연계 불가능
로고/배너 임의 수정 가능 가격정책변동 불가능
수수료 없음 모바일제공 확인필요

Getting ready for the service.
Coming Soon

Expected Effect

  • Provide Individual Advertising Place.
  • Provide Online Community for manage individual consumer members.
  • Sales increasement.

Partnership Card Service

Getting ready for the service

Partnership Card Service

Atomy AZA provides partnership card service.
Partnership Credit card has normal credit card function, but also provides other services.

  • Billing discounts on products that are bought on partnership online shopping mall
  • Offering saving money on sum of AZA Mall purchasing.
Card Service
Credit Card
Partnership Service

On AZA Mall, we are developing a various services to provide best payment experience such as a payback service on a credit card usage.

O2O Service

Getting ready for the service

O2O Service

The Paradigm of purchasing system has changed from offline to online. We had to visit or make a phone call to pay for something, but now, we can easily order, and pay it at home. Recently delivery service which delivery men picks up at offline shop to take it to online user has become one of major business model. And since than O2O service got much more energy.

This O2O service vitalization raised the sense of expectations about offering customers useful services and also additional profitability to service provider. But on the other hand, the O2O services has increased burden for many franchise and local business merchandisers because of many O2O platform services which only concentrates on their bulking up and not considering about service improvement.

O2O Service

Unlike these, AZA Mall O2O service connects merchandisers randomly, and discover credible suppliers rather than dumping responsibility to our members. We are working hard to be a great service provider who can verify the value of customers’ choice.